teaching machines

jacoblj Homework 0

The app that I am reviewing is the allrecipes.com Dinnerspinner. This app is by Allrecipes.com, Inc. In this app you choose the type of dish, the main ingredient and cook time from a scrolling panel. The app is set to only let a person choose one of each ingredient, dish and cook time. You can […]

CS 491 Lecture 5 – More Ketchup

Agenda Generate and advance words Add a timer Talk about Android threading Add an award-point dialog Add a team name dialog Splitting layout evenly Last lecture, someone asked how to split the layout up independent of the widget’s content. The way to do this is to have the containing view group fill its parent, set […]

CS 491 Homework 1 – due before Friday, 9/30

See the PDF.

Homework 0 – wettstaj

World of Warcraft Mobile Armory Blizzard Entertainment iOS/Android     Discussion: I actually have this app so I know how it works, but I remember being pretty overwhelmed by the interface at first. In no time i was able to figure it out and i use it all the time. There are 12 buttons on the […]

Tiny Flashlight Review

The application I chose to review is a simple flashlight program, appropriately named Tiny Flashlight. There comes a time in every man’s (or woman’s) life in which they need a flashlight, but the only convenient source of portable light is in a cell phone, which is much more often carried. However, sometimes this cell phone […]

Sudoku Free

        The app I am reviewing is “Sudoku Free.” I am using an emulator to run the program, but if I actually owned an Android phone I’m sure this would be one of my first programs as I am a huge fan of Sudoku. The app’s website is “genina.com,” which has also created a […]

UltraBlast SE by RetroFlux

UltraBlast SE by RetroFlux http://ultrablast.net/ Platform : ios (Apple) There really is no ‘tutorial” section… the user just dives right in and starts shooting. The gun is auto-fire, and movement is via relative touch with the ability to change from two weapon types with a tap from the finger. The enemies are rather dumb, but […]

CS491 – Homework 0 – Android Task/Todo List

Name: Android Task/Todo List The purpost of this app is to keep track of items that are “todo”. Adding items to your list is fairly simple – at the bottom of every screen is a text field where you can enter a new item. Next to the field is a ‘+’ button that actually adds […]

CS 491: Homework 0 – ezenagec – FL Studio Mobile

FL Studio Mobile | Getting Started http://www.image-line.com/documents/flstudiomobile.html One thing that I’ve really into is making and composing music. Since i was 5 or so, I took piano lessons and then in 5th grade, I started playing trumpet for the school band up until my sophomore year of high school. So since 8th grade, I’ve been […]

Name Generator

I borrowed my friend’s android for this assignment, and ended up picking the free Pornstar name generator app, created by a Jeremy Guo. Don’t worry, despite the name, this app is completely harmless. There is absolutely nothing graphic about the application (it really is almost all text, and three option buttons). How do new users […]

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